My little Angels not

My little Angels not
2009 Spring

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Monday 22 October 2012

My brain left me lol

I was in the dog house, it was my OH's birthday on Thursday, I ordered his cake for Thursday then I told my friend it's on Friday so no rush, Thursday evening at diner my OH asked if we having a joke on him (oops) I was glad I did have his cards ready and the presents wrapped up. I told him it was his fault as last year when he was 40 he messed round and tried to convince me it's on the 19th and not on the 18th  'cos he didn't want a 40est birthday, so this year I mixed it up lol I picked the cake up on Friday and after coming back from the meal we lit the candles (oh and Alfie found the hiding place and called daddy in and shoved him the cake before we went out lol ) We not a big cake fan but this was sooooooooooooooooo delicious that by Sunday it's all gone and I even ate the icing which I hate. I just can't believe someone bakes so yummy cake and just does it as hobby, Mesi want's a Hello Kitty one for her 4th birthday which is next week so gonna ask my friend if I can be cheeky and make one for her
Anyway enough of my gobbing, here is my card for this week DD challenge where the theme is Poppy
 I know the image called Sniffing Daisy BUT does have poppy in it and I put poppy like red flowers on the bottom bit too.
Somewhere I've got some nice material but I have no idea where did I put it when I had to put all my craft stuff into our bedroom and in the end I found a piece of lace what I saved from a blouse what was going into rubbish at my mum's house
 The backing paper, flowers and sentiment is all from Crafter's Companion freebies

I'll be entering this card into the fallowing challenges:
Challenge 4 everybody: Anything goes
Sketchy colours: Purple, red, black and white(all colours are there)

thanks popping by


  1. Wow Fab card and lovely image . Love it. Thanks for joining us at challenges 4 everybody. Hugs trisha x

  2. Beautiful card!
    Lovely details!
    Thanks for joining us at Sketchy Colors colorchallenge this week!
    Hugs, Jannhild

  3. Lovely card. Thank you for joining us at AGOAC.
    Debbie x
